Show your liver a little love: Tips for supporting liver health
Show your liver a little love: Tips for supporting liver health Your liver performs key functions in food digestion and getting rid of toxins so it’s important to support your liver health. 간에 약간의 사랑을 보여주세요: 간 건강을 지원하는 요령 간은 음식을 소화하고 독소를 제거하는 주요 기능을 수행하므로 간 건강을 지원하는 것이 중요합니다. How to support liver function Sitting just under your lower rib cage on the right side, weighing about 3 ½ pounds, is your body’s largest and heaviest internal organ—say hello to your liver! Your liver performs essential functions for digesting food and getting rid of toxic substances. You can thank it for filtering out alcohol and harmful chemicals, absorbing nutrients and storing energy for when you need it. “Whatever you eat, drink and breathe goes into your bloodstream and gets filtered by your liver,” said Jennifer Chuang, Ph.D., a senior research scientist for Nutrilite™ products. That includes everything from french fries to alcohol to cigarette smoke to harsh cleaning sprays—your liver tackles it all...