
Showing posts from March, 2023

Traceability and why it matters for you

Traceability and why it matters for you Do you know where the ingredients in your products come from? When it comes to what you’re putting in or on your body, you should. Why is traceability important? In our quest to find the best, most nutritious foods for ourselves and our families, many shoppers have become more like detectives. They carefully read ingredient lists, take note of where items were made and, if they are buying from local farmers markets, they often get to know the growers behind the food. In short, they are looking for a  quality traceability process . Shouldn’t we be just as curious when it comes to our nutritional supplements? An  annual survey  shows that three-fourths of Americans take dietary supplements. They’re trying to make the best decisions they can for their nutrition. But this raises an issue: What do we know about the quality of those supplements? How were they made and what ingredients were used? “You can read labels to find out what is in...

Heart health and more: The benefits of omega-3 fatty acids

  Heart health and more: The benefits of omega-3 fatty acids Are you getting enough omega-3 fatty acids in your diet? If not, you’re missing out on some key benefits. Omega fatty acids:  Good fat vs. bad fat Fat is one of the key macronutrients your body needs to function along with protein and carbohydrates. Fat gives you energy, helps protect your organs, supports cell growth and helps your body absorb other nutrients, among many other functions. Fat is a key player in your optimal health. Of course, that statement comes with some caveats. Your body is kind of picky when it comes to what type and how much of each fat it wants. “Getting adequate amounts of healthy fats in our diet supports optimal nutrition and health,” said Becky Bender, an Amway nutrition researcher & clinical investigator, “while too many unhealthy fats are linked to health risks.” Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are examples of healthy fats, but you still need to pay attention to how much you’re getti...